Bleda y Rosa
Capa do Livro ProjectoMAP Mapa de Artistas de Portugal
Livro ProjectoMAP Mapa de Artistas de Portugal
Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso exposição/exhibition Grand Palais, Attitude Interior Design Magazine, nº 69: Sabor Flavor, Ed. Mai - Jun 2016
Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso exposição/exhibition Grand Palais, Attitude Interior Design Magazine, nº 69: Sabor Flavor, Ed. Mai - Jun 2016
"PAMM, Miami - a new way of living the city" artigo de Verónica de Mello para/for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, nº 70: Felicidade/ Happiness, Ed. Jul
Portugal Tropical exposição/exhibition, Attitude Interior Design Magazine, nº 69: Sabor Flavor, Ed. Mai - Jun 2016


Jul - Ago: "Bleda y Rosa" , "Arte na Comporta" , artigos de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 118: Emotion

Mai - Jun: "Francisco René" , "Descanso - Iván Argote" , artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 117: Graceful

Mar - Abr: "Benesse Art Site" , "Cecília Costa" , artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 116: RITUAL

Jan - Feb: "ARTE/ART[1]: Novo capítulo do século XXI 20 anos no mundo da arte", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 115: 20 Anos


Nov - Dez: "Entrevista a João Louro: O poder da linguagem a vulnerabilidade da imagen", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 114: Roots

Sep - Out: "Casa Wabi: Um lugar mágico na costa de Oaxaca", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 113: Remote

Jul - Ago: "Histórias de uma Coleccção e de um lugar", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 112: Saudade

Maio - Jun: "O Colosso do Sul: Um breve olhar sobre a cena artística de São Paul", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 111: Performance

Mar - Abr: "Oslo: Um litoral cultural" e "Cindy Sherman: Exposição Metamorphosis", artigos de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 110: Bloom

Jan - Fev: "Entrevista a Juan Baraja: Fotógrafo do tempo e da Luz", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 109


Nov - Dez: "Entrevista a Adam Lowe: Factum Arte & Factum Foundation", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 108

Sep - Out: "Embracing the past to celebrate the present", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 107: Analogue

Jul - Ago: "La Colombe D'Or" , artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 106: Pop

Maio - Jun: "Entrevista a Dagoberto Rodríguez", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 105

Mar - Abr: "Entrevista a Pedro Vaz: Paisagem Traduzida", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 104

Jan - Feb: "The city of lights shines brighter", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 103: Allure


Nov - Dez: "A alegria de voltarmos a estar juntos", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 102: Gather

Set - Out: "Art Report II", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 101: Art Report II

Jul - Ago: "Hope: Jovens Artistas", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 100: Hope

Mai - Jun: "Madragoa", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 99: Poetic

Mar - Abr: "On the Line", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 98: Intrepid

Fev: "Sustentabilidade e Arte", artigo de Beatriz José para a Umbigo

Jan - Fev: "Nadine Abdel Ghaffar. Forever is Now", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 97: Timeless

Jan: "Entrevista a Clara Imbert: Por detrás da capa", artigo de Beatriz José para a Umbigo


Dez: Publicação do livro ProjectoMAP Mapa de Artistas de Portugal

Jul - Ago: "Salon Acme", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 94: Bohemia

Maio - Jun: "Tempo", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 93: Slow

Jan - Fev: "Paisagem, Poesia ou Terra?", artigo de Verónica de Mello, e "Renate Graf", artigo de Verónica de Mello e Alda Galsterer para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 91: Earth


Set - Out: "Tomaz Hipólito", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 89: Personal

Jul - Ago: "58th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 88: Offline

Maio – Jun: "Silvia Ortiz e Ines Lopez-Quesada, Travesia Cuatro, Guadalajara", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 87: Mexico

Mar – Abr: "Artist with Attitude:Kiluanji Kia Henda", artigo de Verónica de Mello, e "Ulla von Brandenburg" para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 86: Chromatic

Jan - Fev: "Miguel Palma", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 85: Handcraft


Nov - Dez: "Adeus, Helena!", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 84

Set - Out: "Artist with Attitude: Beatriz Horta Correia", artigo de Alda Galsterer, e "Festival Evora Africa – Alexandra de Cadaval", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 83: Sossego / Quietude

Maio – Jun: "Artist with Attitude: Mariana Dias Coutinho", artigo de Alda Galsterer, e "The SPOT – Sculpture Park and Outdoor Tendencies", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 81: Green

Mar – Abr: "Artist with Attitude: Carolina Pimenta", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 80: Secret

Jan – Fev: “Moinho da Fonte Santa – Tempo para pensar”, artigo de Verónica de Mello, e "Artist with Attitude: Tom Leamon", artigo de Alda Galsterer para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 79: Refuge



Nov – Dez: “Artist with Attitude: Joel Andrianomearisoa”, artigo de Alda Galsterer, e “Elena Hernando – Directora do Museu Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid”, artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 78: Brilliant

Set – Out: “Axel Vervoordt e o Palazzo Fortuny – Uma Década de Exposições”, artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 77: Confidential

Jul – Ago: “A Medida Incerta – José Pedro Croft”, artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 76: Industrial

Maio – Jun: “El Apartamento – Havana, Cuba” e “Artist with Attitude: João Queiroz”, artigos de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 75: Calm

Mar – Abr: “Ar Sólido – Art Space” e “Artist with Attitude: António Bolota”, artigos de Verónica de Mello e Alda Galsterer para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 74: Matéria

Jan – Fev: “Passado e Presente – Lisboa Capital Ibero-Americana de Cultura, 2017: entrevista com António Pinto Ribeiro”, artigo de Verónica de Mello e Alda Galsterer para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 73: Celebration



Nov - Dez: "1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair" e "António Ole: Luanda, Los Angeles, Lisboa", artigo de Verónica de Mello e Alda Galsterer (REDE art agency) para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, nº 72: Excess

Set - Out: "Art Report" edição especial da REDE art agency, em colaboração com a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, nº 71: Art Report

Jul - Ago:  "PAMM, Miami - a new way of living the city" artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, nº 70: Felicidade

Jun:  "Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso - Grand Palais" e "Portugal Tropical" de Alda Galsterer e Verónica de Mello, artigos para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, nº 69: Sabor Flavor

Mar - Abr: "Catarina Branco", artigo de Alda Galsterer e "Um lugar para pensar e repensar o património" artigo de Verónica de Mello e Alda Galsterer, para Attitude Interior Design Magazine, nº 68: FOLCLORE

Jan - Fev: "Um Óasis nas Montanhas", de Verónica de Mello, para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, nº67: LUZ



Julh - Ago: "Visita à 56ª Bienal de Arte de Veneza" artigo de Alda Galsterer e Verónica de Mello, para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine

Nov 2015 - Jan: Arte Al Dia: Entrevista com Charles Esche, director do Van Abbe Museum e curador da 31ª Bienal de São Paulo, com a exposição no Museu de Serralves, Nov. 2015 - Jan. 2016

Set: Snapshot. No atelier de...Noronha da Costa, por Alda Galsterer e Verónica de Mello, para a ARTECAPITAL


Jul - Aug: "Bleda y Rosa" , "Artigo na Comporta" , by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, in 118: Emotion

May - Jun: "Francisco René" , "Descanso - Iván Argote" , by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, in 117: Graceful

Mar - Apr: "Benesse Art Site" , "Cecília Costa" , by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, in 116: RITUALS

Jan - Feb: "ARTE/ART[1]: New chapter of the XXI century 20 years in the art world", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, in 115: 20 years


Nov - Dec: "Interview with João Louro: The power of language and the vulnerability of image", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, in 114: Roots

Sep - Oct: "Casa Wabi: A magical place on the Oaxaca coast", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 113: Remote

Jul - Aug:  "Histories of a collection and of a place", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 112: Saudade

May - Jun: "Colossus of the South: A brief look at the São Paulo art scene", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 111: Performance

Mar - Apr: "Oslo: A cultural coastline" and "Cindy Sherman: Metamorphosis exhibition", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 110: Bloom"

Jan - Feb: "Interview with Juan Baraja: Photographer of Time and Light", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 109


Nov - Dec: "Interview with Adam Lowe: Factum Arte & Factum Foundation", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 108

Sep - Oct: "Embracing the past to celebrate the present", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 107: Analogue

Jul - Aug: "La Colombe D'Or" , by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 106: Pop

May - Jun: "Interview with Dagoberto Rodríguez", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 105

Mar - Apr: "Interview with Pedro VazTranslated Landscape", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 104

Jan - Feb: "The city of lights shines brighter", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude  Interior Design Magazine, no 103: Allure


Nov - Dez: "The joy of getting back together", artigo de Verónica de Mello para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 102: Gather

Sep - Oct: "Art Report II", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 101: Art Report II

Jul - Aug: "Hope: Young Artists", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 100: Hope

May - Jun: "Madragoa", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 99: Poetic

Mar - Apr: "On the Line", article by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 98: Intrepid

Fev: "Sustainability and Art", article by Beatriz José for Umbigo

Jan - Feb: "Nadine Abdel Ghaffar. Forever is Now", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 97: Timeless

Jan: "Interview with Clara Imbert: Behind the Cover", by Beatriz José for Umbigo


Dec: Publication of the book ProjectoMAP Map of Portugal's Artists

Jul - Aug: "Salon Acme", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 94: Bohemia

May - Jun: "Time", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine no 93: Slow

Jan - Feb: "Landscape, Poetry or Earth?", by Verónica de Mello, and "Renate Graf", article by Verónica de Mello and Alda Galsterer for Attitude Interior Design Magazine no 91: Earth


Sep - Oct: "Tomaz Hipólito", article by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 89: Personal

Jul - Aug: "58th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia", article by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 88: Offline

May – Jun: "Silvia Ortiz and Ines Lopez-Quesada, Travesia Cuatro, Guadalajara", article by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 87: Mexico

Mar – Apr: "Artist with Attitude:Kiluanji Kia Henda", article by Verónica de Mello, and "Ulla von Brandenburg" by Alda Galsterer for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 86: Chromatic

Jan - Feb: "Miguel Palma", article by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 85: Handcraft


Nov - Dec: "Farewell, Helena!", article by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 84

Sept - Oct: "Artist with Attitude: Beatriz Horta Correia", article by Alda Galsterer, and "Festival Evora Africa – Alexandra de Cadaval", article by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 83: Sossego / Quietude

May – Jun: "Artist with Attitude: Mariana Dias Coutinho", article by Alda Galsterer, and "The SPOT – Sculpture Park and Outdoor Tendencies", article by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 81: Green

Mar – Abr: "Artist with Attitude: Carolina Pimenta", article by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 80: Secret

Jan – Feb: “Moinho da Fonte Santa – Tempo para pensar”, article by Verónica de Mello, and "Artist with Attitude: Tom Leamon", article by Alda Galsterer para a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 79: Refuge



Nov – Dic: “Artist with Attitude: Joel Andrianomearisoa”, article by Alda Galsterer, and “Elena Hernando – Directora do Museu Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid”, article by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 78: Brilliant

Sept – Oct: “Axel Vervoordt e o Palazzo Fortuny – Uma Década de Exposições”, article by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 77: Confidential

July – Aug: “A Medida Incerta – José Pedro Croft”, article by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 76: Industrial

May – June: “El Apartamento – Havana, Cuba” and “Artist with Attitude: João Queiroz”, articles by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 75: Calm

Mar – April: “Ar Sólido – Art Space” and “Artist with Attitude: António Bolota”, articles by Verónica de Mello e Alda Galsterer for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 74: Matéria

Jan – Feb: “Passado e Presente – Lisboa Capital Ibero-Americana de Cultura, 2017: entrevista com António Pinto Ribeiro”, article by Verónica de Mello and Alda Galsterer for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, no 73: Celebration



Nov - Dic: "1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair" and  "António Ole - Luand, Los Angeles, Lisboa", article by Verónica de Mello and Alda Galsterer (REDE art agency) for a Attitude Interior Design Magazine, nº 72: Excess

July - Aug: "Art Report" special edition by REDE art agency, in collaboration with Attitude Interior Design Magazine, nº 71: Art Report

July - Aug:  "PAMM, Miami - a new way of living the city" by Verónica de Mello, for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, nº 70: Happiness

May - June:  "Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso - Grand Palais" and "Portugal Tropical" by Alda Galsterer and Verónica de Mello, for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, nº 69: Sabor Flavor

Mar - Apr:  "Catarina Branco", by Alda Galsterer; "Um lugar para pensar e repensar o património" by Verónica de Mello and Alda Galsterer, for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, Folclores, nº 68

Jan - Feb: "Oasis at the Mountains", by Verónica de Mello for Attitude Interior Design Magazine, Luz / Light, nº 67



July - Aug: Visit to 56ª Venice Art Biennal by Alda Galsterer and Verónica de Mello, for Attitude Interior Design Magazine

Nov 2015 - Jan 2016: Arte al dia: Interview with Charles Esche on the presence of the 31st São Paulo Biennial in the Serralves Museum, Porto

Sept: Snapshot. In the studio of...Noronha da Costa, by Alda Galsterer and Verónica de Mello, for ARTECAPITAL, online magazine for contemporary art

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